Adam finished his hula class this week; he got an A! Jenni got her cast off on Thursday. Her wrist is still healing, but it is doing well enough that she only has to wear a brace.

Our ward won the Iosepa Cup, which is the award for the BYU-H ward that earns the most points for participation and placing in sports. FYI - the cup was named after a traditional Hawaiian sailboat, the Iosepa, that resides at the Polynesian Cultural Center and is sailed only occasionally. We helped by playing dodgeball together, and Jenni played volleyball. The prize is that we get our ward name added to the plaque and our whole ward gets a banquet with the president of the university.
The BYU-Hawaii basketball team was in the Division II regional championship, so we decided to support them. It was a pretty exciting game; we were ahead the entire time until the last 30 seconds. Unfortunately, they let up the last 7 minutes and lost it by 1 point. It was fun anyway.
For those who haven't heard, Adam got accepted to BYU-Idaho. We were expecting to go back to Rexburg in July, but he got accepted for the Winter/Spring track, so we get to stay in Hawaii until the end of the year!!! So, that means everybody has until then to come visit us here.
(Random picture of Mochi that Adam wanted to add)
Well at least you're still coming back to Idaho! :) Can't wait to see ya guys! Glad Jenni got her cast off and that all is well. Keep having fun and partying in Hawaii for me!
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