Adam and I have been kind of busy since we last wrote, so this is probably going to be kind of long. We have also taken quite a few pictures in the last month, so I'll post some of those. First of all, two of our best friends, Matt and Sunshine, had a baby on December 18th. They invited us to be in the room with them for that, so we ended up taking pictures and video for them. It was cool to be able to experience that for the first time. They had a baby girl and named her Eliana Kalei Johnson.

On Christmas Eve, we made tamales that turned out pretty good for not being able to buy some good masa. I had to make it myself with Maseca. We ended up spending part of our Christmas with Matt, Sunshine and Eliana, but we also went up to Waimea Bay to check out the big waves. They were supposed to have got up to 40 feet, but by the time we got there they had died down to about 20 feet. On the way home, we stopped by the Temple Visitor's Center to check out the Christmas trees. Each stake on Oahu decorated one according to the scripture they were given. Ours was something about angels, so it had a ton of angels on it.
We also spent New Years Eve with Matt and Sunshine (pretty much everybody else was gone, and they are our best friends). It was pretty low key. We just hung out at their house and played games. On New Years Day, Adam and I went to a free lunch and concert on campus. The food was good, and the concert featured a bunch of local bands, most of which we enjoyed. There was also a locally famous standup comedian who was hilarious. After that, we went to the Polynesian Cultural Center. We have Kama'aina passes (significantly discounted passes for locals), so we get in free whenever we want. It is such a big place that we still haven't visited all the villages, so it's fun to be able to see it all little by little.

After Christmas Break, Adam started school and a new job. He is taking Advanced Molecular Biology, Conservation Biology, Old Testament, Bowling, and an online Music class. His new job is as a security guard on campus working 4 nights a week from 10pm to 3am. I decided that, since I can't sleep well when he's at work anyway, I would get a job working for security as well. I am an on-call security dispatcher as well as continuing to substitute teach and coach softball, and I'm going to begin tutoring on top of all that. We are both pretty busy with everything we have going on now.

Amid our busy schedules, we did find some time to watch a movie last weekend. We saw Avatar in 3D, and I would highly recommend it. The 3D aspect really brought you into the story, which was pretty good on its own. The colors and scenery were pretty cool. I especially liked the fact that there were a bunch of marine animals that were featured as terrestrial ones for the movie. That's about it for the last 2 months.
That is so exciting that you guys could be in the room for a new baby, hopefully you didn't see tooo much it's a mess! But I bet it was awesome to hold the brand new baby! Sounds like you had a great holiday! Adam looks great in his new security outfit! Hope to hear from you soon. Don't forget to check our blog at
love Heidi
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